LovingWhisky has moved to a new location!

Why oh why do I hear you thinking behind that screen, shaking your head?
Well, sometimes you need to do some improvements and after a couple of years 
on the blogger platform it was more then time to upgrade. A new platform on WordPress 
was the best choice for a more interactive and modern look! 

Go check it out!

(click the link, you will not be dissapointed)

Note that this website will still be here functioning as a backlog for older links. 
So no worries. Nothing is lost. But all data is also available at the new location.

If you have a bookmark of this site please change it to the above location.
That will keep you up to date with the latest LovingWhisky reviews :-) 

My apologies for any inconvenience caused with this platform 
change. Hope to see you all over at the new site!

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