The nose makes me think of the smell of a bee hive when you take the lid of and see the full racks with wax and honey filled chambers. The beekeeper blowing in some smoke to relax the bees and see how the little creatures are doing. It is a combination of wood, wax, the bees them self, the smoke, the bee pollen and the surroundings of the hive, all mixing into one bundle of flavours. A flavour that makes me smile and transfers me to good quality time moments.
Warm notes of raspberry, cranberry, strawberry, blackcurrant, custard and honey on the nose. Bit of a dirty leather note and some tobacco mixing with soft notes of orange peel, marmalade, mint, marzipan, sultana and dried figs. Lovely rich nose. After a while it changes a bit and releases some more notes in the back that make me think of more woody herbal range of flavours and nettles.
The palate gives me at first the citrus mix with leather feeling, bit waxy, wood and some spices. Blackcurrant and cherries after that, almost like a freshly made jam, sticky sweet. Dark chocolate, malt, banana and coffee note with a soft vanilla on the finish. The finish is fading a bit fast for me to be honest, but still a dram that I enjoy very much. One that I sadly cant afford but scoring it an 8 out of 10. Thanks for sharing it Benromach and making me go back in time!
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