Van Winkle 12 YO - Tasting Notes

Van Winkle - 12 years old

Raisin, fresh, malty, citrus, vanilla, nuts, nail polish (just a hint), caramel, soft on the nose

Coffee, honey, wood, cinnamon, chocolate

Dry, short, walnuts...

5,0 out of 10. The hint of nail polish does not ruins te smell, it still is light, sweet and soft. But the taste is compared to the nose bitter, and with a sweet tone, but nutty bitter, that one is strong.
Might have liked a bit more sweet in the taste, to not have this big difference. And the walnuts are a bit to strong for me, not a fan of their bitter taste.

"Like taking a dive into a bowl with caramel popcorn, expecting the sweet taste, longing for that... and then being overwhelmed with the taste of a dark coffee with a walnut liqueur on the side... just not what you expected..."

Tasting scores explained a bit. It all depends on the moment, ambiance etc, but to have a guideline for my own preferences. This differs for each person... See my wish list in the menu above to see what I prefer the most at the moment.

1  No,no,no
<5  Maybe need to taste again, but would not end up in the collection, depends of the matter of between 1 and 5 how fast I will try it again.
5-6 It's a maybe, but not very enthusiastic about it. Can drink it, but if I have a choice I will choose something different. Don't have to wake me up for these.
6-7 I like, but they just miss something on the taste, finish, depth of flavours ect to make this something wow! Love to have a dram sometimes of that but buy a whole bottle? Mhmm... not sure...
7-8 Well, you can start waking me up for these, more depth, these I would love to add to my collection
8-9 With these I would love to sit for a while and just enjoy, and slowly, very slowly enjoy these. These I would absolutely love in my collection, but sadly not always in my price range. 
9-10 Well, what can I say, just wow...... No words to describe it. Wake me up now!!