About making notes

The more you smell and taste, the more your senses get trained, and you set your preferences.
I did not know at first what I liked and did not liked. Therefore I started with taking notes on advice of some people. This is a really good thing and helps me to train my senses even more, and set my preferences. So the tasting scores explained a bit... It all really depends on the moment, ambiance etc, but it is to have a guideline for my own preferences.

A low score will not mean I discard it directly. I will maybe give it a second chance on a later time, but for now it is not for me... There is a difference between having the time to sit down and make proper notes on it, or when at a festival making just a quick note, those I call "festival notes". You can find the two listed at the website. The ones with labelled "festival notes" I hope to come back to some day and convert them into a full tasting notes.

But as said before somewhere on this site. This is purely for my own reference and to keep track of my preferences and explorations in the world of whisky. Just my opinion. Please do not look only my notes, but explore more out there, have a try yourself and see what you find of it. Just my palate, nose and opinion on something...

I have learned in the short time making notes that it always pays off to come back to something for a second chance, it can surprise you someday. That you don't ignore the "standard line" bottlings or blends and be beware to not get drawn into the "older are better" or "NAS" discussions. Yes they can be better sometimes, I am not saying that, when older, or not be as good when as a NAS. But there is also some great stuff to be found on the shelves of regular stores and they don't always cost you much. Just give it all a chance sometime, and keep an open mind, there is so much to be explored out there.  Tasting a whisky is personal and differs for each person. It is to be enjoyed and fun, shared in a good company...

Working on tasting notes you need a reference base of scores to keep a track record of how you look at that moment at that whisky. That is one of the hardest things to do, but trying to keep it simple as it can be I decided to score between 0 and 10.

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