Recently I participated in a Twitter tasting where the Family Reserve expression from Grant's was in the line up. Bottled at 40% and one that I had to come back to after the tasting for a new look due to the strong sulphur notes I got at first...
At the Twitter tasting I got on the nose pears, green apples, banana peel, hyacinths, malt, honey and some dusty bit waxy notes. The palate was the same as the nose with strong floral notes, dry spices, nuts, marmalade and malt. A bitter ear wax finish, fruity in the back but dry woody spices and sulphur are covering it all. With some water added the metallic sulphur even becomes stronger and more bitter. Also tried to let it sit there for some while and see if it changed. It did become less waxy and bitter and the fruits got a bit more room to step forward but still present weakly. My first score on it was 5 out of 10.
Now, sitting down with it a good while later to see what happens. Because this cant be it when I am seeing all the others post their tasting notes. this needs another chance. Pouring me some more of this, letting it sit for a bit, sniffing from time to time and setting it aside when I noticed the sulphur was still there. Slowly the strong hyacinth notes went away a bit, but it took a good amount of time. Getting again the pears but now stewed and juiced. Also some stewed rhubarb I can find with soft custard pudding notes. But the metallic note does not seem to disappear fully on the nose. From the palate I find it to be a bit more mellow and less ear wax bitter. Some raisins, vanilla, red apples and bananas, but still also a lot of citrus bitters, orange marmalade and nutty notes. Has some dry spice and almost dry peanut butter feeling on the finish. The sulphuric note does not seem to leave me on this one sadly. It is softer now, but still present too much for me. The score I will raise to a 6 out of 10, but this is just my experience, please try this blend for yourself and see what you get out of it. What I can find it should be available for under 20 euros ...
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